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Mythical Makeover Experience: an online workshop to help midlife women like you rediscover your courage, connect to your inner wisdom and find your heart through playful creativity. November 8-10, 9-10:30am PT each day.


"I am starting fresh on this journey and I'm ready to start pushing myself to be courageous and brave! I also wanted to say a HUGE thank you to Minette for this class, it has helped me in so many ways and even ways I didn't know I needed help."

-- Charity B.

Rediscover your courage and inner wisdom as you chart your own course down the yellow brick road during this 3-part online creative adventure.

Tired of wandering lost in the forest of midlife changes? Transform midlife into your most magical chapter yet, inspired by the adventures of Dorothy and her friends as you explore the big questions and curiosities of your own life after 50.

Just like Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tinman, and the Lion discovered their true selves, you too possess everything you need within you.

Imagine stepping into the next chapter of your life with creativity, courage, and camaraderie. Join a vibrant community of women who, just like you, are ready to rediscover their purpose and reclaim their hearts through playful creativity and self-expression.

Join Dr. Minette Riordan for The Mythical Makeover Experience, a transformative 3-part live online journey happening November 8-10, 2024, at 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET. Each session lasts 90 minutes and will guide you through:

  • Exploring Your Inner Strengths & Wisdom: Tap into the characters and themes of The Wizard of Oz to embark on a creative adventure that unveils your authentic self.

  • Finding Clarity and Certainty: Reflect on your journey, reconnect with your dreams, chart a new course. What if the best part of your story is still unwritten?

  • Gather your Traveling Companions: Just like Dorothy, you don’t have to travel alone! Where women gather, magic happens.

Here’s what you will experience during the Mythical Makeover:

  • Learn to use Dr. Minette's signature Creative Discovery Cycle™ to navigate midlife changes with joy, ease, and creativity.

  • Pave your Yellow Brick Road with clarity and certainty of your next steps.

  • Uncover deep wells of inner strength and resilience to finally answer those urgent midlife questions and take that first step.


What is included with The Mythical Makeover Experience?

  • 3 90-minute Live Online sessions where the Magic happens: November 8, 9 & 10 from 9am to 10:30am Pacific. 

  • 3 pre-recorded mini-art lessons to support your creative journey

  • Replays of live sessions

  • Summary of the Wizard of Oz for you to read ahead of time

  • Suggested supply list

  • Bonus video lessons to get those creative juices flowing: how to create a handmade journal for your creative journey

  • Online forum for connecting and sharing with the amazing women who are gathering for this course. 

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"Not only thank you to you, Minette, but to all of these ladies in this environment, the structure, having the time, having the place to be, and the encouragement and the support of everybody here, knowing that we're all forging into unknown and uncomfortable territory. You know, sometimes it's like walking barefoot through the briars or you're afraid there's gonna be briars so you don't take the step, you know, and realize it's not that thorny. So this has really been great."

-- Heavenly G.

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Use handmade journal techniques, intuitive collage, and journaling to explore your stories... here are just of few of the things attendees created at the last Mythical Makeover Experience!

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Finding My Next Step on the Yellow Brick Road...

Frequently over the past decade I found myself questioning everything—"What am I doing? Is this work going to sustain me? How much longer do I want to do this?" I couldn’t think my way out of these questions like I always had. Instead, this question popped into my head, “What if I paint my way to the answers?”

By experimenting with a combination of art and writing, I began to see new insights and connections that were invisible before. It helped me navigate becoming an empty nester. This process helped me and my husband make major life changes, like relocating, him quitting his job and me shifting my career to focus on what I truly love: guiding other women through midlife transitions. What I now call the Creative Discovery Cycle™ forms the heart of all my programs, helping women like you navigate this time of life with joy, ease, and creativity.

If you've been struggling to think your way through many of the midlife changes you are experiencing, come join me for 3 days and experience the Creative Discovery Cycle™ for yourself.

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If you’ve read this far and you are nodding your head “yes”, and you still have some questions if this is right for you, let’s talk about them now… (FAQ)

  1. Time Comittment: You won't need to spend hours each day on the short assignments although you may want to!

  2. Supplies & Experience: You don’t need to have any special supplies or experience for this creative journey. I encourage you to create with whatever you have on hand.

  3. No Previous Experience or Special Skills Needed: You do not need to be an artist and may feel like: “I’m not very creative.” This is perfect for you. 

  4. Live Attendance Not Required. Yes, all the sessions will be recorded if you can’t attend live.

  5. Accessibility: You will have access to the classroom indefinitely if you can't participate live.

See what others say about previous Mythical Makeover Experiences

"Minette has a remarkable ability to create a safe and warm environment. I felt at ease enough to share my thoughts comfortably within the small group. And I got real results. The entire journey felt wholesome, leaving me with a renewed sense of appreciation for my personal growth. I highly recommend Minette’s classes to anyone seeking guidance in their personal development, and a genuinely enriching experience. Thank you, Minette, for taking my on this journey!"

Marleen K.

"I took this class and it was soooo wonderful! Minette is a wonderful teacher! [Using the] story made it very unique and lots of fun to get to know yourself more deeply! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!"

Shelley R.

"I am starting fresh on this journey and I'm ready to start pushing myself to be courageous and brave! I also wanted to say a HUGE thank you to Minette for this class, it has helped me in so many ways and even ways I didn't know I needed help."

Charity B.

"The Mythical Makeover Experience exceeded my expectations in every way! This is a well-thought-out course that provided me with an opportunity to use creativity and the theme of a novel to guide steps that altered how I was perceiving my situation and helped me come to discover underlying struggles as well as devise solutions! Each prompt allowed for meaningful creative expression and reflection equally. Not only did I explore the precedents to my current situation, but I also was able to put a new lens on what I am facing. This led to me seeing a whole new way of resolving struggles. Since the course ended, I have gone back through the writing and artwork I produced as part of the course. This has led to further insights and to me being able to flesh out an action plan to resolve dilemmas. I got so much more from this workshop than I could have anticipated. The course is extremely high quality and offers something individual to everyone who would participate. I highly recommend the Mythical Makeover Experience and Minette!"

Kate R.

"I would just like to say a big "Thank You" to Minette and everyone who attended the live sessions and everyone who posted their work on Facebook. I have loved this whole experience - it has been such great fun."

Jillian F.

"Been really enjoying this and realizing how much I’m being called to make space and time to be creative again... to let go of criticism. Just wanted to thank everyone for sharing and a special thank you to Minette Riordan for this course and platform to share with each other."

Kel R.

Day 1

Exploring Your Courage, Heart and Wisdom

On day 1, you will explore all the different wonderful Oz characters. Which one do you identify with most? Then you will create a mixed media self-portrait that shows how you are like Dorothy, the Tinman and the Lion along with all other characters.

Day 2

Design Your Magic Slippers

Can you really just click your heels and find the answers to what you seek? Perhaps! Sometimes you need the right shoes for the journey, sometimes you need to believe in magic and miracles. Sometimes you need to redefine what it means to be at home with yourself...

Day 3

Pave Your Yellow Brick Road with your Dreams and Intentions

On this final day you will explore what stories, dreams, and hopes are paving your yellow brick road. Use paint, collage and markers to pave your yellow brick road with clarity and certainty about your next steps. Then take your very first step into this next adventure. 

For only $47.00 here's what you get when you register for The Mythical Makeover Experience:

  • Over 7 hours of live and recorded content!

  • 3 90-minute Live Online sessions where the Magic happens: Friday, November 8 at 9am PT/12pm ET, Saturday, November 9 at 9am PT/12pm ET and Sunday, November 10 at 9am PT/12pm ET

  • 3 pre-recorded mini-art lessons: think paint, paper, and collage or any mixed media supplies that inspire you...

  • Replays of live sessions

  • Suggested supply list

  • Bonus video lessons: Create an accordion style journal to use for your journey down the yellow brick road. 

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The Mythical Makeover Experience Is for You If:

  • Everything feels uncertain and you are worried about what is happening to you and around you as well as what your next steps are.

  • You are seeking answers to questions like “Who am I” or “Am I running out of time to pursue my dreams?

  • You know you can't figure this out the same way you always have and you are ready to find a different solution to midlife uncertainty.


Meet your guide: Dr. Minette Riordan

When I turned 50, we had recently moved from Texas to California. I’d sold my business as the publisher of a local parenting magazine. I knew so many people in Texas and had so much support in my community. I was a big fish in a small pond. 

I had no idea how much letting go of that business would impact me and cause me to question, who am I? What the heck do I do now? 

Truthfully, I spent the first 6 months in California grieving the loss of my identity, my regular schedule and especially my community of girlfriends and colleagues. 

I remember meeting up with my brother and his family along with other friends of theirs for a popular local parade. No one came up and introduced themselves or made an effort to connect. I felt tears fill my eyes, I felt alone and lonely. 

I was also watching my kids grieve the loss of their friends and the only home they had known which made my mama heart ache for them. 

As we all settled into our lives and I started my next career as a business coach for artists and creatives, I finally had the space to set up a studio in our home. 

Being able to simply go to my studio and make art on a regular basis was a game changer! I was making more and more art, signing up for all kinds of classes and certifications, and discovering who I was as an artist. I also began incorporating more and more art and writing into my business coaching practice.

One afternoon I was standing in the middle of my space that was half office and half art studio. I was taking a break from my work to paint for a bit when this question popped into my head: “What if I put art at the center of my life?”


I wasn’t sure at the time what that question even meant but I knew a shift was coming. 

My kids finished high school and went off to college and I once again found myself grieving even though I was so excited for them. 

I went through menopause and found my body changing rapidly, I felt like I didn’t recognize myself.

As the pandemic put a stop on travel and left us with so many question marks about the world and about my business, I found myself dealing with intense anxiety that I had never experienced before.

I also found myself with more time than ever to focus on my art and my own personal growth. 

Those questions came back to haunt me, again. Who am I now? Am I focusing on what matters most to me? Am I serving others in a way that feels most aligned with my values and my calling?

“I’m almost 60,” I said to myself, “What am I doing? Is this work going to sustain me? How much longer do I want to be doing this?”

Then I had another lightbulb moment which ultimately changed my life and set me on the path to doing my most fulfilling work ever as a creative depth coach and expressive arts facilitator. 

“What if I paint my way to the answers?”

I realized that I could no longer answer questions in the same way I always had. I couldn’t think my way out of this. I started experimenting with using my own combination of art and writing to find the answers. Suddenly I was seeing new connections, finding inspiration and clues that were invisible to me before. 

I came up with a process that worked every time. It helped my husband and I make the decision to leave California and relocate to Colorado. It helped me finally let go of the business I no longer enjoyed so that I could focus on doing more of what I love: helping other women navigate the 2nd half of life with ease, with joy and with fun!

I started sharing that process with others with great success. And now this “signature process” is at the heart of all my programs.

In this Mythical Makeover Experience, you will get a taste of what I call The Creative Discovery Cycle - a 3-step process for finding clarity and certainty. 

It's worked for thousands of women and could be the very solution you've been seeking to answering those urgent midlife questions.

"I’ve discovered that not only does creative work produce end results, it’s the process itself that inspires productivity in other areas. Sitting quietly and putting images or colors on a page not only relaxes me, it opens my mind to ideas and concepts in other areas of my work. Whether you think you’re creative or not right now, this workshop will bring you peace and confidence that you are creative!" - Sherry Hess. 

© Minette Riordan/Mindful Patterns, LLC 2024

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