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Your Creative Compass

Crafting the Next Chapter of

Your Life

Your Creative Compass includes:

  • A beautiful workbook to download and print or fill in on your device

  • A powerful assessment tool you can use over and over again

  • An online mini-course with Custom instructional videos for each of the 4 Creative Gifts

Now that you understand your Soul's Creative Gifts, it's time to put it into action!

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Creativity, Purpose, Connection, Curiosity, Adventure, Emotions, Vitality, Spirituality, Vision, Goals: these are more than just buzzwords and marketing-speak. These are points on your own creative compass that will help guide you into the next chapter in your life. When you purchase Your Creative Compass it comes with an easy to use assessment of your Values and Purpose using these focus areas. Once you've completed the assessment there are instructional videos for each Creative Superpower to help you implement your results in a language that matches, well, you.

People in their second or third act often find themselves in times of great transition. I know for me my kids left home for university, my coaching business changed, my husband left his job, and we moved to a Colorado, all in a couple of years. It was tough, but things like the assessment in Your Creative Compass helped me design the life that I wanted. I want you to have the same opportunity, and for just $9 it's a steal!

My promise is that Your Creative Compass will give you clarity on how to craft the next chapter in your life in a balanced and holistic way.

Are you struggling with clarity? You are not alone! The 2nd half of life is a huge time of transition and transformation in women's lives and with that comes questions like "Who am I?" or "What's my purpose?" Your Creative Compass will help you get a bird's eye view of exactly where you are right now. Discover what your next steps are for more clarity, more confidence and more courage. Now is the time to design the creative life you've always dreamed of. Get the clarity you are seeking in 30 minutes or less!

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Hi, I'm Minette

I'm a modern day Renaissance woman.

I am an artist, author, creative guide and a rebel, leader, deep thinker and asker of curious questions.

I have definitely gone through phases of being Clarissa in my life, trying all the things and not able to finish anything because I get too excited about the next new thing. 

I have had multiple careers and am on my third business, my books are on topics as diverse as relationships, marketing and time management and I don't have a signature style in my art work. 

Yet it's all worked. And each different thread has brought me to this moment now where I can finally be my most authentic self and am living a life I love doing work that makes a difference. 

I'm 59, it took me a hot minute to get to this level of clarity and I am still distracted by curiosity and too many ideas from time to time.

There is hope when you embrace your superpower and create the next chapter of your life.

©2024 Minette Riordan / Mindful Patterns LLC

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