Snowflake-Inspired Sacred Circle Designs
Printable of 12 original mini snowflake-inspired Sacred Circle designs created by Conner Dobson.
Famous Women Artists & Creatives
A printable list of 50 famous women artists and creatives to celebrate women's history month.
Nourish the Light Within
In celebration of Imbolc, a time of renewal and light, join us for a 3-hour online workshop to create your own large articulated paper doll—a symbol of your unique journey toward self-care and nourishment.
Imbolc, celebrated on February 1st or 2nd, marks the halfway point between winter solstice and spring equinox. It is a time of renewal, light, and the stirring of new life beneath the surface.
Are you a woman 50+ ready to embrace your creativity and step into the coming seasons focusing on YOUR self-care and nourishment?
Midlife is a beautiful time to reconnect to the outer and inner cycles of the seasons. Join us for a reflection on the celebration of Imbolc and the Goddess Brigid.