5 Ways to Discover Your Purpose in Midlife and After Retirement

What's Next For Me?
Have you ever found yourself wondering, “What’s next for me?”
As you move through your 50s, 60s, and 70s, this question may come up more often. This stage of life offers an incredible opportunity—a time of profound transformation where you can reconnect with your core desires, passions, and values. It’s a chance to redefine who you are, beyond the traditional roles you have been fulfilling and uncover what truly brings you joy, meaning, and fulfillment.
I had a great session with one of clients yesterday about this topic. She is working her way towards retirement and wanting to get clear about her future. How will she spend her time? How can she have more structure and set goals around her art. How will she find or create meaningful relationships and community when she is no longer working? Perhaps you are asking yourself some of these same questions.
Inspired by this conversation yesterday, I thought I'd share some ideas around exploring the idea of purpose and offer some questions to get you thinking about your own answers.
I don't believe that we have just one singular life purpose but that we have the opportunity and permission to cultivate purpose in many areas of our life. I have a different purpose for my business than I do for my marriage or my desire to contribute to my local community. I encourage you to not get stuck thinking there is some magical perfect purpose out there.
Instead consider what you are passionate about and what brings you joy. Below are some ideas to help you rediscover what gets you excited to get up and get going every day.
1. Reclaim Your Self-Identity
Take a moment to ask yourself: Who am I when I strip away all my titles and responsibilities? After years of fulfilling may different roles, it’s time to rediscover who you are at your core—your authentic self. You’ve carried societal expectations, perhaps put others first, but now it’s your turn to focus on you. This journey of self-discovery invites you to shed layers of past stories and roles and reconnect with what makes you unique.
2. Pursue Passion Projects
Ask yourself: What have I always loved to do, but never had the time for? This phase of your life is perfect for exploring passions that may have been set aside. Is there a hobby or interest you’ve always wanted to dive into? Whether it’s painting, writing, gardening, or something else entirely, pursuing what lights you up can be deeply fulfilling.
3. Contribute to Your Community
Is there a cause, local or global, that is near and dear to your heart that you'd like to contribute to? For many women, finding purpose involves giving back. You have so much wisdom and experience to share! Consider ways you might mentor younger generations, volunteer, or engage in community work that aligns with your values. Think about how you can use your skills to make a difference and connect with others.
4. Explore Your Spiritual Path
Reflect on your spiritual journey: What practices bring you closest to a sense of peace and purpose? Deepening your spiritual practice or exploring new spiritual pathways can bring a sense of connection to something larger than yourself. Whether through meditation, prayer, or simply spending more time in nature, these practices can be incredibly grounding and affirming.
5. Build Your Legacy
Ask yourself: What do I want to be remembered for? How can I start building that legacy today? As you think about the next phase of your life, consider the legacy you want to leave behind. This might mean creating art, writing your memoirs, or engaging in activities that capture your life’s journey and wisdom.
Coming Home to Yourself
This journey of finding your purpose in midlife and beyond is about coming home to yourself. It’s a time to embrace who you truly are, pursue what excites you, give back in meaningful ways, deepen your spiritual connections, and think about the legacy you wish to leave. Remember, this is your time to shine bright and dream big.
I talk about midlife purpose, creativity, and related topics live on my Youtube Channel, Painting In Your PJ's - I'd love to see you in the chat. Here's one entitled "Why midlife women struggle to find their purpose and how can we find it using a mind map", from April 2024:
I’m here to support you on this journey. Feel free to reach out if you need guidance, want to share your thoughts, or are looking for ways to explore these ideas further.
With love and light,
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